What do we offer?
Over the past decade, the delivery of aged care in this country has undergone significant changes for the better.
Recently the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety has further placed the sector into the spotlight with strict Aged Care Quality Standards now in place.
Our mission statement is to strive to be at the forefront of not only delivering but improving the quality of aged care to you or your family member.
Our experience has shown that you value these factors the most:
Our Objectives to address this:
• To maintain open lines of communication as a primary tenant of our service
• Treatment decisions always made as part of a team with the doctor, resident, family and faciilty.
• Family conferences are valued and encouraged
• Phone discussion and updates provided on an ongoing basis
Our Objectives to address this:
• Regular weekly attendances by a team member
• Additional visits and/or phone advice are always available for more urgent issues
Our Objectives to address this:
• Close partnership with the facility and its clinical staff to work as a healthcare team
• Specialist general practitioner with a specific interest in aged care
• Evidence-based medicine as a framework for all treatment decisions
• Referral to local public or private specialist medical services when required
• Referral to local public or private allied health services when required
Our Objectives to address this:
• Assistance in transition during the admission process
• End-of-life decisions and Palliative care support if required
Furthermore to these factors, we urge you to always hold anyone who is caring for you or your family members to the 8 Aged Care Quality Standards of what good care should look like.
How much does it cost?
Our services remain 100% Bulk Billed for all Medicare card holders. For more information on Medicare eligibility, please visit:
We also offer private consultations for those residents without Medicare. Please contact us for more information.